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Make Pain Your Best Friend

Hey friend,Let's talk about something we all try to avoid:
Discomfort and pain.
It's not exactly a cozy topic but bear with me because I've got some insights to share.Pain, my friend, is a masterful teacher.Think about it.Remember the last time you touched something very hot?Ouch, right?But you sure learned not to do that again!Or how about showing up for a 10K run without proper training?

Lesson learned: Prep before you step.

And don't even get me started on trying to squat your one-rep max without warming up. Yikes!

Lesson: warm-up is key.
Throughout my life, pain has been a constant companion.Why does pain play such a crucial role?

Well, from my experience throughout my career and personal development, it's crystal clear:
Mistakes can be deadly - be it in the literal sense or just conceptually, like losing your job or being outcast by society.

There's no room for errors.
Mistakes are punished - with pain.Your body's wired to avoid pain.So, when you mess up and pain follows, you naturally steer clear of repeating that mistake.Pain keeps you in check, preventing the formation of bad habits.But there's more to pain.Pain teaches resilience, mental toughness, and fortitude – qualities that define us.

See, it's not just about the immediate discomfort; it's about how we respond to it.

How we tackle adversity. How we handle failure.
Life rarely goes according to plan. It's about learning to push through the pain, to thrive amidst chaos.So, how can you cultivate this mental toughness?

Start by pushing your physical limits.
Step out of your comfort zone.Go for that run, row that 10K, or those burpees.But it's not just about physical challenges.

Embrace discomfort in everyday situations – public speaking, meeting new people, teaching.

Challenge yourself, and watch yourself grow.
Try something this week that makes you uncomfortable.You might surprise yourself.

So, what's your plan to build mental toughness?

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I am Tobias and I help entrepreneurs, content creators, and knowledge workers to:

  • Overcome addictions and bad habits

  • Get more done in less time

  • Improve their well-being and emotional resilience

  • Manage stress and prevent burnout

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